Manual Welding Sprinkler Pipe Machine

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Advertisement No: #00137200
Category: Sprinkler Pipe Machine
Brand: Parak
Model Type: YKM/M
Product Type: For Sale
Product Status: New
Origin: Turkey
Delivery Status: In stock
Location: Oymaağaç Mah. / Kocasinan / Kayseri
Sales Detail: Maturity occurs, Credit Card Installments, Selling with a Check, Bank Transfer, Credit Cart, Supported by Kosgeb

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Parak Teknik Makina Oto. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Advisor : Mustafa P.

Parak YKM 125 (50-110 mm) Manual Welding Sprinkler Pipe Machine
Manual Welding Sprinkler Pipe Machine is a specially designed equipment to provide high performance and efficiency in the welding industry.
Friction Welding System Parak YKM 125 is equipped with a powerful and effective friction welding system. This system provides high precision and durability, thus ensuring that welding operations are carried out reliably.
Special Screw Clamping System for Each Diameter The special screw clamping system suitable for use in each diameter ensures that the workpieces are held stably and the welding operation is carried out correctly.
Male and Female Medalled Head Welding Parak YKM 125 can meet various welding needs thanks to its male and female medalled head welding feature. This feature facilitates welding of different materials and provides flexibility.
Operator Controlled Welding Process This welding machine is ideal for welding operations carried out under the control of the operator. The operator can directly manage the welding operations and achieve the desired result more easily.
Economic Design Parak YKM 125 has an economical design and operates cost-effectively. This feature reduces the costs of businesses and increases efficiency.
Easy to Use, Effective Operation, Minimum Maintenance This welding machine stands out with its easy use and operates effectively. It also requires minimum maintenance, which reduces the maintenance costs of businesses.
Optional 220 Volt Operation Suitable Parak YKM 125 is optionally suitable for 220 volt operation. This feature provides access to different energy sources and adapts to the energy needs of businesses.
Parak YKM 125 (50-110 mm) Manual Welding Irrigation Pipe Machine is an ideal option for reliable performance and efficiency in the welding industry. With its powerful features and user-friendly design, this welding machine is the perfect solution to meet the needs of businesses.

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