Dede Makine

Filling Machines, Capping Machines, Labeling Machines, Automatic Filling Lines and Complementary Units Manufacturing and Sales.

Nom de l'entreprise: Dede Dolum Makinaları Plastik Ambalaj San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Type d'activité : | | | |
Brève Description de l'Entreprise : Filling Machines, Capping Machines, Labeling Machines, Automatic Filling Lines and Complementary Units Manufacturing and Sales.
Nombre d'employés : 11-50 Arası Çalışan
Type de société : Limited Şirketi
Année de fondation : 1986
Capital : 500.001-2500.000 TL Arası
Chiffre d'affaires annuel : 5.000.000 - 24.999.999 TL Arası
Otomatik Dolum Hattı Otomatik Dolum Hattı
Dede Machine Brief Introduction Founded in 1986, Dede Machine operates in the machine production at the İkitelli Organized Industrial Zone. Offering services in machine manufacturing, sales, and after-sales support for the food, cosmetics, paint, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, our main products are automatic filling lines and machines, capping machines, labeling machines, bottle washing machines, monoblock rotary filling, heat tunnels, and conveyor belts. Our company's position in the sector, focused on customer satisfaction, uncompromising quality, and its expert staff, makes it a reliable solution partner.