100.000 Litre / Gün Bio Dizel Üretim Tesisi

Fiyat Sorunuz

İlan No: #00167629
Kategori: Bio Dizel Üretim Tesisi
Marka: Akfen Makina
Model Tipi: AK-B
Ürün Tipi: Satılık
Ürün Durumu: Sıfır
Menşei: Türkiye
Teslim Durumu: Stokta Var
Konum: Ziya Gökalp Mah. / Başakşehir / İstanbul
Satış Detayı: Teminatlı Satış Olur, Havale / EFT, Görüşülür

Satıcıyla iletişim kur

Akfen Mühendislik

Akfen Makina Endüstri Mühendislik Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Danışman : Ferhat Y.

Biyodizel Üretim Tesisi - Akfen Makina


Biyodizel üretim tesislerinin kurulumunda Akfen Makine yurt içi ve yurt dışı anahtar teslim projeler yürütmektedir. Biyodizel üretim tesislerinin kurulumu, devreye alma, personel eğitimi, borulama, elektronik tesisat, otomasyon, dizayn uzman personel ekibi ile  memnniyetini üst seviyede tutmak için çalışan bir şirkettir.


Biyodizel üretim tesislerinin işletilmesinde Akfen Makine’nin en büyük avantajı yurt içi veya yurt dışı demeden sistem işletilmesinde müşterilerini yalnız bırakmamasıdır.


Biyodizel, kanola, ayçiçek, soya, aspir gibi yağlı tohum bitkilerinden elde edilen bitkisel yağların bir katalizör eşliğinde kısa zincirli bir alkol ile (metanol-etanol) reaksiyonu sonucunda açığa çıkan ve yakıt olarak kullanılan bir üründür.

Evsel kızartma yağları ve hayvansal yağlar da biyodizel yağın ham maddesi olarak kullanılabilir.


Biyodizel petrol içermez fakat saf biyodizel veya her oranda petrol kökenli dizelle karıştırılarak yakıt olarak kullanılabilir.

Saf biyodizel ve dizel biyodizel karışımları herhangi bir dizel motoruna, motor üzerinde herhangi bir modifikasyona gerek kalmadan kullanılabilir.


Biyodizel Üretim Tesisleri Teknik Özellikleri



AK-B 5

AK-B 50

AK-B 100


Günlük İşlem Kapasitesi

5.000 LT

50.000 LT

100.000 LT

Yüksek Kapasiteli Tesisler İçin Özel Çalışma Yapılacaktır

Toplam işlem süresi

12 Saat

12 Saat

12 Saat

Gerekli fabrika alanı

200 m2

700 m2

1.200 m2

Üretilecek Ürünler

Biyodizel , Gliserin


Organik Yağ (Soya Yağ Kanola Yağ Kullanılmaktadır)

Operasyon Sistemi

Loadcell Otomasyon Sistem veya Yarı Otomatik Manuel Sistem


Standart Temel Labaratuvar Ekipmanları Sistem İşleyişi İçin Gereklidir

Sistem Isınma Yöntemi

Kızgın Yağ Kazanı , Buhar Kazanı veya Elektrik Rezistans

Isınma Yakıtı

Dizel , Fuel Oil , Gaz ve Elektrik

Gerekli İnsan Gücü

1 Operatör 1 Yardımcı

1 Operatör 4 Yardımcı

2 Operatör 6 Yardımcı

Teslimat süresi

40 İş Günü

60 İş Günü

75 İş Günü

Kurulum süresi

10 İş Günü

20 İş Günü

20 İş Günü


Akfen Engineering is a company with successful partnerships with its customers in terms of the plant establishment, installation, personnel training and commissioning of the plant in Central Asia, Europe and Africa in the field of biodiesel production plant.

Biodiesel is a product that is released as a result of the reaction of vegetable oils obtained from oilseedplants such as canola, sunflower, soy and safflower with a short chain alcohol (methanol-ethanol) accompanied by a catalyst and used as fuel. Biodiesel can be produced from any herbal or waste oil. The process of converting these oils into biodiesel is called transesterification.

Biodiesel can be used in vehicles as fuel or used by combining with regular diesel.

B5: 5% Biodiesel + 95% Diesel Fuel
B20: 20% Biodiesel + 80% Diesel Fuel
B50: 50% Biodiesel + 50% Diesel Fuel
B100: 100% Biodiesel

Biodiesel can be used without any modification on the engine. The benefit to the engine is enable 20% to 25% more kilometers than normal diesel.

It extends engine life with its lubricating feature on the engine.

Biodiesel, an alternative diesel fuel, is compatible with the environment and is a fuel that is biodegradable in a short time.

Below mentioned elements are prevented with the use of herbal and grease waste oils in the production of biodiesel;

  • Greenhouse gas effect such as carbon dioxide

  • Discharge of carcinogenic chlorinated organic substances from the exhaust to the atmosphere

  • Unburned hydrocarbon emission

  • Emission of ozone-forming pollutants

  • 75% more pollutant removal from exhaust than diesel fuel

  • More pollution of water resources

  • Discharge of sulfur dioxide from the exhaust, unlike diesel fuel


How the Biodiesel Plant Works 

Biodiesel can be produced by 3 different methods. These methods are as follows.

• Transesterification of oil by base catalysis

• Transesterification of oil by direct acid catalysis

• Conversion of oil to biodiesel by converting it to elaeostearic.

As Akfen Engineering, we use base catalysis and oil transesterification, which is the most economical method in biodiesel production.

The oil is passed through a pre-filter and taken into the reactor. Biodiesel is produced by mixing the catalyst materials with heat treatment in the reactor.

The detailed process is as follows:

1. Alcohol and Catalyst Mixtures

The catalyst substance dissolves in alcohol using a chromium mixer and starts the reaction by added to the oil. 

2. Reaction

The oil taken into the reactor is heated between 70 and 80 C to make it suitable for reaction and the previously prepared catalyst mixture is added to the oil.

3. Allocation

Biodiesel and glycerin products are obtained after the oil catalyst mixture. Glycerin is separated from biodiesel by using density difference.

4. Washing Process

After the separation process, the washing process is carried out with hot water to completely separate the remainder catalyst and glycerin left in the biodiesel.

5. Drying

In order to completely remove the water and moisture in the biodiesel, the substances are distilled by vacuum pumping under high temperature.

6. Storage

After the procedure, biodiesel and glycerin obtained with the help of the pump are ready for sale and sent to stock tanks to load on trucks


biodiesel production plant, biodiesel plant installation, biodiesel plant



AK-B 5

AK-B 50

AK-B 100


Daily Processing Capacity

5.000 LT

50.000 LT

100.000 LT



will be carried

out for

High Capacity


Total processing time

12 Hours

12 Hours

12 Hours

Required factory field

200 m2

700 m2

1.200 m2

Products to Be Produced

Biodiesel, Glycerin

Raw materials

Organic Oil (Soybean Oil Canola Oil Is Used)

Operation System

Loadcell Automation System or Semi-Automatic Manual System


Standard Basic Laboratory Equipments areRequired for System Operation

Heating Type

Hot Oil Boiler, Steam Boiler or Electric Resistance

Heating Fuel

Diesel , Fuel Oil , Natural Gas and Electric

Necessary Manpower

1 Operator 1 Assistant

1 Operator 4 Assistant

2 Operator 6 Assistant

Delivery time

40 Workdays

60 Workdays

75 Workdays

Assembly time

10 Workdays

20 Workdays

20 Workdays


Makina güvenlik sistemleri bu sertifikalarla denetlenmiş ve onaylanmıştır: 

İSO 9001:2015 
ISO 14001:2015
CE TRC-21-1811/01/01

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